Parent Handbook
The Parent Handbook outlines the policies and practices of Story Tree and must be read by all who intend to enroll. We are currently in the process of updating policies that relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased safety regulations. Last year’s parent handbook can still be viewed here. Updates coming soon.
Willow Nest Studio's license to provide chid-care.
What Story Tree Playgroup is.
The Educational Approach of Story Tree Playgroup.
Story Tree Playgroup's opening times and dates.
Admission requirements.
Fees, payments and termination policies.
Policies on video and photo documentation.
Media in the classroom.
Parent involvement.
Settling children in.
Daily Routine.
Arrival policy.
Dismissal policy.
How to talk with children about playgroup.
Strollers and belongings.
Dressing for Play.
Napping arrangement.
Toys and playthings from home.
Walking trips.
Contacting staff during playgroup.
Emergency playgroup closure.
Emergency evacuations, sheltering in place and safety drill procedures.
Illness and infectious disease control.
Medication administration
Child safety and protection guidelines.
Behavior/discipline policy
The handbook is updated when needed with the most recent date of update reflected in the footer of each page. Thank you for reviewing prior to registering.